Sunday, January 25, 2009


For today's Sunday outing we headed to Cabela's, an amazing hunting/fishing/outdoorsman store down in Buda, about a 35 minute drive for us. While we're not really in the market for fishing poles, ammo or camouflage these days, Carter loooooves going to Cabela's for their completely amazing animal displays!! We hadn't been since Courtney was only a few months old - now she loves it too! She literally started bouncing up and down in the stroller when she first caught a glimpse of the huge center display.The scenes are so well done, it's like a natural history museum!The kids were completely mesmerized by the animals. Or maybe they were just wondering why the animals weren't moving...There's a stream running through the store, with this moose in the water on one side, and a beaver building a dam on the other side of the bridge. (We love beavers - nature's engineers. Right, Diane? :-) )Carter was most excited about the African safari section today - he jumped out of the stroller right after I snapped this picture and started running around, YELLING out the names of the animals. "an ELEPHANT!!" "a ZEBRA!!!" "Look, it's a RHIIIIIINO!"After our African safari we were hungry for some grub, so we headed up to the cafeteria. In true outdoorsman fashion, Joel opted for the bison brat! Mmm, bison!I was boring and went with the oh-so-exotic ham and cheese sandwich. :-) Ok, time to get some things done while my little animal lovers are napping. Thanks for stopping by today!

1 comment:

Rose Ann said...

Looks like a fun time! Great pics!!